Alcatraz prison island in the USA


In the US, in the Bay of San Francisco is the highly controversial, but invariably curious island of Alcatraz. It was discovered in 1775 and was first used for military purposes as a fort. It was here that the first lighthouse in the western United States was installed. However, this island soon became the most famous prison in America. Alcatraz, isolated from the rest of the world by the cold and stormy waters of the bay, as if its dark role was destined by nature itself.

Prison history

Initially, it was a military prison, in which there were prisoners, deserters and those who committed crimes of varying degrees of severity. At that time, the bulk of the prisoners were young people aged 20-28. The conditions of detention were not particularly strict. By the late 1920s, it even had its own baseball field. But very harsh penalties were applied to violators of discipline.

In 1934, during the reconstruction of the building, electricity was supplied to the cells, tunnels were walled up, and containers with tear gas were placed in crowded places. From that moment on, the prison became federal, with only the most dangerous criminals directly hitting Alcatraz, while the rest were transferred from other prisons after committing violations, failed attempts to escape or refusing to obey.

Despite the many measures of influence, prisoners considered the so-called policy of silence to be one of the most painful punishments. Its essence was in the prohibition of talking and uttering any sounds for a very long time. They were also afraid of being placed in an isolation ward - a solitary cell without a full toilet, which was dark and cold.


However, even the obvious futility of attempts to escape did not stop the prisoners. Many tried to get out of Alcatraz to freedom. Some of them were forced to turn back in order to escape from the cold waters, others died from hypothermia. Several people are missing. Maybe it was they who became the lucky ones who were destined to accomplish the impossible?

The most famous of the prisoners who were never found are the Anglin brothers and Frank Morris. They made the most ingenious escape in prison history. They thought out the plan to the smallest detail, which ensured the success of the enterprise. In 1979, the movie "Escape from Alcatraz" was made about this.

Notable prisoners

The prison also gained wide popularity thanks to its famous prisoners. The most recognizable is perhaps Al Capone, an American gangster who began serving his sentence at Alcatraz in 1934. The greatest criminal spent 7 years within these walls. He came out already terminally ill and lost his criminal authority as a man.

In 1963, due to the economic disadvantage of maintaining the prison, which requires very large financial costs, it was closed. By that time, there were only 27 slaves in it. Cameras (and there are less than 600 of them) have almost never been fully equipped. For 29 years, only about 1,600 men have served their sentences there. Women were not held in this prison.

How to get to the island

As a tourist site, the island has been operating since 1973 and is part of the recreation area called the Golden Gate. It arouses genuine interest in people all over the world with its unusual history. The prison was transformed into a museum, where traces of the prisoners' stay have been preserved to this day.

You can get to the island by ferry from San Francisco, which departs from pier number 33. Since there are many people wishing to visit Alcatraz, you need to take care of tickets in advance. The excursion includes a visit to the internal premises of the prison - cells, isolation ward, rooms for meeting visitors, dining room, shower. You can also see the stands, where real photographs of the prisoners and the officers guarding them are posted, take a walk along the main corridor of the building, called Broadway. From the window one can see the territory reserved for the walks of the prisoners.

Legends and ghosts

Americans call this place "Devil's Island" because of the many legends associated with it. Museum workers can tell hundreds of incredible stories about various paranormal phenomena that allegedly take place within these walls. According to unconfirmed reports, a ghost of a mustachioed officer can be found on the shore, and in the prison building, Al Capone playing the banjo.

The position of the island in itself already causes some excitement and awe - a piece of land torn from the mainland is washed from all sides by stormy streams of water. It is located at a distance of 2.5 km from the nearest coast. But the area of ​​Alcatraz is very small - about 9 hectares. Because of this isolation, many tourists have disturbing thoughts. And the myths and superstitions associated with this place can even cause fear.

According to local stories, camera number 14D is the most popular among ghosts. At one time, she was part of the correctional corps, where the instigators of the riots were thrown for correction. This is a gloomy, dark and damp room, being in which will tickle the nerves of even the most inveterate cynics.

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Night excursions

Nowadays, the island has been transformed from a dull and inhospitable territory into an excellent walking area thanks to the masters of landscape design. Positive smiling people work here, and noisy tourists crowd the corridors of the prison. All this does not allow you to forget that now it is just a museum. However, in order to maintain the image of a mystical place, night excursions are organized for especially courageous visitors.

Despite many dark legends and a dubious reputation, Alcatraz is visited annually by about a million people from all over the world. This place has a special energy that evokes emotions for everyone. Many people want to see this famous prison, to feel its atmosphere, to visit the premises in which gangsters and other dangerous criminals roamed until recently. And the most impressionable, perhaps, will even be able to meet one of the mysterious ghosts.

Now this place has become a history that cannot be rewritten, but you must know and remember. Traveling around the United States, do not forget to visit New York, and in order not to get lost in this big city, check out our guide.

Alcatraz prison on the map


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