Jokulsarlon glacial lake in Iceland


"Ice Age" is not the name of the next series of the popular cartoon about the adventures of funny animals, and not a favorite project with the participation of pop stars. This is a static reality that exists in Iceland. The endless expanses of glaciers amaze the imagination with their frantic proportions. Thanks to this, the northern country can compete almost on equal terms with the Arctic itself for the title of "Miss Snow Queen"!

Glacier in the middle of the lagoon

Iceland has long been recognized by lovers of tourism in unusual places. She can give truly some of the brightest impressions in your life. The glacial lake Jokulsarlon deserves special attention, which spreads out its possessions in the eastern part of the "land of ice".

Even the most eloquent speaker will not be able to find the right words to describe the splendor of the view. “Divine”, “beautiful”, “picturesque”, “unique” - these are just a small fraction of epithets that are the best fit for the story of this amazing place. This is another corner of our wonderful planet, where the "Chief Architect" - nature - has created her next masterpiece. Here the mind and soul rest, here hitherto unseen internal sources of energy open up, here a real adventure begins ...

Where is

The very name of Lake Jokulsaarlon is literally translated as "lagoon of the ice river". The valley is considered the largest glacial valley. From the main city of Iceland, the attraction is 400 km, and from the world famous Skaftafell Park, just 60 km. The special climatic conditions of the area make the territory the least inhabited corner of the country.

The main inhabitant, creator and beholder here is nature, which meticulously, inch by inch, carves different sculptures and statues from ice, gives each of them bizarre shapes and gives a unique color scheme. The lagoon looks especially beautiful in the bright rays of the summer sun, when small ice floes and huge blocks, like a marvelous colored mosaic, shimmer in a thousand shades.

The glacial lagoon is located at the very foot of the largest glacier found in Europe. And its name is Vatnajokull.

A bit of history

The first historical mention of the valley dates back to the distant 1903. Then the glacier was at least 200 meters from the sea coast. The direct formation of the ice valley began in 1934. It was from this year that the glacier began to melt. And now, today, a huge glacial valley opens up in front of us. According to the most conservative estimates, its area reaches 20 square kilometers. It is interesting that back in 1975 the valley occupied only 8 square kilometers. Now Lake Jokursarlon is rightfully considered the deepest body of water in Iceland. In some places, the depth of the lake reaches 200 meters.

Do you want an unforgettable cascade of impressions? Or maybe you are looking for inspiration that has not visited you for a long time? Then you should definitely think about seeing the lake with your own eyes. Just imagine what kind of picture will open to your eyes! Millions of ice floes slowly drift in the icy water, now and then "looking back" at the massive Vatnajokull. It was there that they originated and grew, and now they splash in the waters of the lake at its foot. Indeed, a fascinating picture!

According to historians, the first settlers who arrived in Iceland encountered glaciers a little further north. The record low temperatures in this place date back to 1600-1900 years. It was a real "ice age", after which there was a significant warming in 1910, which until 1970 will slowly destroy huge glacial masses.

The lagoon appeared a little later, when the glacier thawed and revealed a huge gorge. It is here that one of the most exotic and unique in its uniqueness lake will begin to emerge.

Who can you meet here

It is believed that the gorge is the lowest point in Iceland, as a result of which the fresh waters of the melted glacier are diluted with salty sea water. This can be seen especially clearly at the moments of high tides.

Due to such unusual conditions, both marine representatives of the fauna and freshwater ones are found in the lake. Huge seal rookeries, attracted by salmon, add a special flavor to this place. They are considered incorrigible gourmets, and salmon is a real delicacy for them. You can't find a better place! After having a tasty lunch, the seals settle down on the icy ledges and enthusiastically take sun baths, imposingly waddling from one side to the other and exposing their bellies to the gentle sun.

Numerous tourists who admire these clumsy animals are not distracted at all. Rather, the opposite is true. They are so used to being close to people that they seem to be happy to pose for the lenses of their cameras. And this causes sincere affection from the outside.

Best time to visit

If you decide to go to the shore of a wonderful lake, know that the best period for this is in the summer months, as well as at the beginning of spring. Everyone will be able to dilute the vivid impressions of what they saw with fascinating boat trips right along Lake Jokursarlona. Where else can you slowly swim past an iceberg, and even so close that it seems that you can reach with your hand to its cold silhouette? Icy water, massive white ice floes emerging here and there from under the water surface, sea seals watching the next group of tourists with their mouths open - all this is an integral part of the trip to the most famous lake in Iceland.

Setting off on the road, it is better to take care of booking a place in the hotel in advance. Hotels in Hofn are especially popular among tourists. There are comfortable living conditions here, and getting to the shore of the lake will not be difficult.

True gourmets and connoisseurs of European cuisine will be able to replenish their collection with dishes from traditional Icelandic cuisine. A wonderful restaurant that is located right on the banks of Jokulsarlon will open its warm embrace for them. But remember that it does not work all year round, but only in warm seasons.

In the summer months, under the influence of high temperatures, glaciers from the lagoon are sent along the river to the sea. In winter, this passage freezes, glaciers accumulate in the waters of the lake and slowly drift, waiting for their turn to come into contact with the sea waves. Here you can also find full-fledged icebergs, which sometimes reach a height of more than 30 meters. Ice floes are also not uncommon, the caps of which have preserved rare information about eruptions that once took place here. This is reminiscent of the centuries-old volcanic ash.

An incomparable picture opens up to everyone who was lucky enough to see with his own eyes the unusual play of colors and overflows that fill the lagoon. The glacier is unique - from its shape to its inimitable colorful content. Some ice floes even allow you to see, as if in a mirror, a reflection of the blue sky of Iceland.

It is not for nothing that the lake is considered the main attraction of the northern country. Millions of tourists visit these picturesque places every year, taking a piece of Iceland with them forever. From now on, a small corner will live in their hearts, where, like rare exhibits, memories of the landscapes of the icy lagoon will be placed, and the best photographs of ice floes flickering in the sun will hang on the "walls".

On the shore of the lake you can see several single tents, near which photographers are patiently waiting for their "finest hour". The thirst for a high-quality and unique picture plays a cruel joke with them.They are ready to sit for hours on a cold shore, in the middle of icy ledges, now and then, warming themselves with strong coffee or tea from a huge thermos. And all for the sake of one moment, the moment when they take a rare shot.

An impressive picture is the lagoon at sunrise, when the first rays of the sun gently touch the frozen icebergs, as if awakening them from sleep. An equally picturesque picture opens up in front of those present at sunset. The glacier and the sun, like two lovers who part forever, cannot say goodbye in any way. The last rays glide along the slopes of a gigantic mass of frozen water, causing sincere delight among tourists.

Intrigued? Then pack the warm clothes that will come in handy during your excursion to the ice wonder on planet Earth and book a place in one of the nearby hotels. We're going to Iceland!

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In addition to the glacial lake Jokulsarlon, Iceland has a lot to see. I recommend that you familiarize yourself with another popular attraction - the Strokkur geyser.


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