Bolshoi theater in Moscow


The Bolshoi Theater is a national treasure of the country. The Musical Theater is located almost in the center of the capital, directly on Teatralnaya Square, near the Kremlin. The name "Bolshoi" was assigned to the theater, which speaks of its important role in the cultural life of Russia. This building is of great historical and aesthetic value. In this institution, work is always in full swing, which adds recognition, respect throughout the world. This is a national treasure, the embodiment of the culture of the Fatherland.


A plot was taken for construction, which at one time belonged to Prince Rostotsky. A building was erected on Petrovskaya Street, which was later named Bolshoi. A peculiarity is that the institution was erected in a very short time - it took six months. Even now, in the age of innovative techniques and unique materials for construction, such a period seems to be minimal. The project was developed by Christian Roseberg. Inside, the institution was majestic, and the hall impressed with its gracefulness, luxurious decoration. As for the facade, it is made in a laconic and modest style, with a minimum amount of decor. The original name of the building is Petrovsky.

The building was opened in 1780, in winter. On December 30, the opening of the theater troupe took place. Even newspapers and all media reported that the theater was opening. Architects were bombarded with admiration for the luxury of the building, which in addition turned out to be huge, durable and reliable. In addition, it is safe and far superior to popular European theaters. The mayor was very pleased with the construction, so the privilege, which gives Medox the right to hold entertainment events, was extended for ten years. To host the performances, the architects decided to build a round hall called a rotunda.

It was decorated with mirrors, and a huge chandelier illuminated from various angles. There was an orchestra pit near the stage, and there were also stools - they belonged to guests of honor. As a rule, they were the masters of serf troupes. They were invited to the performance because their opinion was a priority for Medox. The theater gave 100 performances a year. To visit at least one of them, it was necessary to purchase a subscription for a year.

But over time, attendance has deteriorated significantly, and profits have dropped significantly. It was because of this that the actors began to leave, and the building fell into decay. From now on, the theater turned into a state institution, then it received the name Imperial.

There are also black spots in the history of this theater. In 1805, the building burned down. Only the load-bearing walls have been partially preserved. It was decided to start the reconstruction in 1821. The architect who undertook the restoration of the structure is Osip Bove, who was known as an innovator. According to this project, the building was also upset and was dominant in the reconstruction of the Moscow square. But it was the restoration of the theater that became the most significant and unique project of life.

The building was built in the direction of the Empire style. As modern architects say, the building rebelled like a phoenix. You can get to the theater from every point of the capital due to the fact that the metro is nearby. During its existence, the theater burned more than once, was in evacuation, and during the revolutionary time they wanted to close it altogether. However, there have always been people in Russia who strove to support art. There have also been many renovations to the building. And the most recent was in the 60s. The theater was able to withstand and go all the way.

Theater today

Now 68% of the theater consists of those works that were created by domestic composers, masterpieces of the 19th century. But a significant portion of the time is also devoted to contemporary works, as well as opera and ballet. Along with the main activity, the theater produces educational work. The theater soloists participate in chamber evenings, which are systematically held in theaters. The Symphony Theater decided to revive concerts at the Bolshoi. Now there are no problems with purchasing tickets. Moreover, this can be done on the website - it is much more profitable and faster.

The theater troupe travels not only in Russia. The Bolshoi poster is updated periodically. So the artists are expected to tour both London and Paris. The famous choir was invited to Spain on tour. The performers are glad to receive in Warsaw, Riga. In the theater, the viewer will see Russian classics - operas by Prokofiev, Shostakovich, Astafiev. There is no equal to Tchaikovsky's ballet. Spectators will be able to contemplate the popular production of Bizet.

However, there is an opportunity to see with your own eyes bright, interesting works of young, promising authors. The Bolshoi Theater also takes into account the traditions of Russian culture. Fans of works compare theater to gold. On the stage, you can really contemplate nuggets. To change your attitude to art, to come closer to beauty - all this becomes a reason to visit the Bolshoi.

Features of the theater today:

  • The troupe has over 100 artists of various genres
  • More than 90 specialists of various professions are involved, production workers
  • More than 750 people are working on this exciting performance
  • Both ballet and opera troupe are provided
  • Musicians, singers, ballerinas and choreographers dream of working here. However, only gifted people get here.

For all its work, the theater has been recognized by the state more than once. Admiration, endless gratitude from the audience, respect, a stream of joy and emotions - this is the best praise for artists. And it is not at all surprising that the Bolshoi is now one of the most respected domestic institutions. He has no equal.

How to get there

The easiest and most comfortable way to get to the theater is by subway. You can get off at any of the stations: Okhotny Ryad, Teatralnaya. Do not postpone a visit to the theater, beloved by Russians, because it will bring many positive moments, and performances will remain in your heart for a long time.

Bolshoi Theater in Moscow on the map


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