15 popular sights of Rzhev


Rzhev is an ancient city of the Tver region. Its history is associated with merchants and trade enterprises of the 18th-19th centuries. The building of the State Bank is an example of the development of urban architecture of that period. Many Old Believers lived in the area in the past. The Church of the Intercession of this community has survived to this day.

The Battle of Rzhev put the area on the map of World War II. Subsequently, Rzhev was ranked among the Cities of Military Glory. Among the sights of the military theme, the memorial complex, aka Victory Park, stands out. Several remarkable objects are collected on a large territory. The German military cemetery is adjacent to the burials of Soviet soldiers. Several memorials have been unveiled, including a memorial to Jews who passed through the ghetto.

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What to see and where to go in Rzhev?

The most interesting and beautiful places for walking. Photos and a short description.

Soviet square

The central square of the city. The alley divides the territory into two parts. Both residential and administrative buildings have been built around. Close to the "Khrushchevs" adjoin an amusement park, the building of the main post office, a cinema and a children's clinic. In 1938, a monument to Lenin was erected on the square. In front of him there is a platform for demonstrations and a tribune for speeches in front of the audience.

Museum of local lore

Has been working since 1916. Initially, the collection was based in the premises of the city council. Most of the exhibits were destroyed or lost during the Great Patriotic War. The museum building was also destroyed. In the 60s, a new local history exhibition was opened in the building of the Okovetskaya church. Part of the exposition is devoted directly to the city, part - to its military history. The current building is an architectural monument of the 18th century.

Izba-Museum of I. V. Stalin

Located in the village of Khoroshevo. A small wooden house is famous for Stalin's only visit here. The secretary general stayed here during his trip to the front in 1943. In addition, it was in this house that the decision was made to hold the first salute in the USSR on the occasion of the liberation of Orel from the Nazi invaders. The hut-museum is mostly occupied by the library. Only one room is reserved for the exhibition.

Okovetsky Cathedral

Dated to the first half of the 19th century. After its closure during the Soviet era, there were alternately a warehouse and a museum here. Then the premises were abandoned, and the restoration began only in the 90s. The appearance of the temple stands out from the surrounding buildings. White columns and a domed roof are not typical for such structures. Nearby are a massive bell tower, utility rooms and a church shop.

Church of the Intercession

It was built in 1908 and belongs to the community of Old Believers. At the same time, an almshouse and a large Sunday school were opened. They were abolished after the revolution. The Church of the Intercession is the only temple in the city that has never been closed. The architecture is traditional Russian style. A refectory and a three-tiered bell tower are attached to the church. The largest of the eight bells weighs one and a half tons.

Temple of the Lord's Ascension

Built in the middle of the nineteenth century. Until it was closed in the 30s of the XX century, the temple had a modest decoration. However, there were valuable icons among the shrines. Some of them returned to their original place after restoration and new consecration in the 80s. The restoration work of the building and the surrounding area turned out to be large-scale. Among other things, old graves had to be moved from the walls.

Temple of the New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia

Located in the central part of the city. The name was given in honor of a particularly revered icon that is kept in the temple. Since 1997, a temporary wooden church has stood here. Services in it were held for 7 years, until the construction of the stone temple was completed. Its height is 37 meters. The central one stands out among the six domes. The bells were made in the Urals, the largest one weighs about one and a half tons.

Monument to revolutionaries

The composition appeared on the Revolution Square in the 80s of the last century. Large busts of K. Zhigunov, I. Bodyakshin and Sh. Ioffe are installed on high pedestals. They were among the Rzhev delegation and represented the city at the II All-Russian Congress of Soviets. On a bronze ribbon, there is a dedication to the revolution and its main fighters: workers, peasants and soldiers. The author of the project is People's Artist E. Antonov.

Monument to General A.N.Seslavin

Installed in 2012. Seslavin is a native of Rzhev. He became famous during the 1912 war as a partisan. In addition, the hussar participated in other major military campaigns. They wanted to erect a monument in his honor at the beginning of the last century, but then the project was not implemented. The bust was erected on a pedestal, which is replete with inscriptions. Not far from the monument there is an oak tree planted by Seslavin's father.

Steam locomotive - a monument to the Rzhev railway workers

Installed in 1973 on the territory of the Railway Workers Park. Among those invited to the grand opening was the writer Boris Polevoy. The monument is dedicated to the feat of railway workers during the Great Patriotic War. It is made in the form of the front part of the SU 208-64 steam locomotive, smoothly turning into a brick figured wall. There are inscriptions on it, and the structure itself resembles wings and imitates forward movement.

Obelisk to liberators of Rzhev

It has been standing on the left bank of the Volga since 1963 and belongs to the territory of the Mound of Glory. Stairs lead to the granite pedestal from different sides. With the help of bas-reliefs, the story of the feat of the city's defenders is told. Various incidents happened to the obelisk during its existence. For example, it suffered from fire and was damaged by vandals. Each time the landmark was promptly restored.

The Heroes Alley

It stretches from Sovetskaya Square to the obelisk to the soldiers who died during the liberation of the city during the Great Patriotic War. Opened in 2008 in memory of the participants in the Battle of Rzhev. Along the asphalt path, there are small granite columns of the same type with signs. Each one has the names of the Heroes of the USSR who fought in these parts. Among them are Marshals G. Zhukov, A. Pokryshkin, I. Konev.

Rzhevsky memorial complex

The vast area is also called Peace Park. It is divided into several parts. A memorial to the memory of Kazakh soldiers was founded in 2010. They fought here during World War II. The cemetery of Soviet soldiers in 2002 acquired a chapel named after Alexander Nevsky. In the same year, a German military cemetery was opened. Nearby there is a monument in memory of the prisoners of the Jewish ghettos.

State Bank building

Rzhev was famous for its developed trade sector. The Ryabushinsky brothers opened several bank branches in the city at the very beginning of the last century. The building of the state bank was being built around the same years. It was built on the site of an old hotel. The architectural style is modern with the addition of Old Russian motives. The bank included a house for employees. The spire on the tower at different times was decorated with an eagle, coat of arms and a star.

Estate Stepanovskoe - Volosovo

Located 80 km from Rzhev. In the past, this family estate belonged to the princes Kurakin. The estate was founded in the 1890s. Construction was delayed due to the death of the first owner. His brother did complete the project. After nationalization, valuables were taken out of here. And after the war, the house and some of the adjacent buildings were given to a psychiatric hospital. At the moment, restoration work is underway.


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