Top 25 Boston Attractions


A symbol of freedom, a forge of professionals and an important tourist destination in the United States - it's all about Boston. It was here that the flames of the American Revolution broke out, as a result of which one of the most powerful and prosperous states in the world was formed. Outstanding people emerged from the walls of the famous Harvard University, who turned the world of technology upside down. Therefore, Boston really has something to be proud of.

In addition to its glorious past, the city can offer tourists an equally valuable and interesting present. Boston is constantly becoming a venue for music festivals and grandiose sporting events of a national scale. Even a simple walk among the greenery of the Public Garden or Arnold Arboretum will leave pleasant memories for travelers.

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What to see and where to go in Boston?

The most interesting and beautiful places for walking. Photos and a short description.

Freedom Trail

A hiking trail that starts at Boston Common and ends at Charleston Harbor, where the Constitution ship sits. The trail leads through the city center and the main attractions associated with the history of Boston's independence from the English metropolis. The length of the route is about 4 km. All memorial sites are provided with signs and tablets for the convenience of travelers.

Boston Tea Party

Museum dedicated to the famous protest of American colonists against the authorities of the British Empire in 1773. This event gave impetus to the American Revolution, as a result of which the country gained independence and, as a result, the United States was formed. The museum is located on a ship. In it, visitors can not only look at the exhibits, but also take part in impromptu performances dedicated to the events of those years.

USS Constitution

A sailing ship of the late 18th century, which is still in the service of the US Navy and is listed in its combat composition. He took part in several battles. During the Anglo-American War of 1812-14, British cannonballs flew off the sides of the USS Constitution, for which the ship received the nickname Ironside Antiquity. The ship was last repaired in 1995. Today excursions are conducted on it.

Public garden

The park was created in 1837 as the first botanical garden in the United States. Over time, it turned into a public place where people come to relax, take a walk, ride a boat on the lake and communicate with nature. The public garden is adjacent to Boston Common, forming a single space with the latter. There are sculptures and monuments scattered everywhere, at the entrance there is a statue of George Washington on horseback.

Boston Common

Boston Central Park, which dates back to the first half of the 17th century. It covers an area of ​​20 hectares. At first, this area belonged to the first settler from Europe W. Blackstone, then passed to the colonial authorities and began to be used as a pasture, a little later - a military camp and a place for executions. A full-fledged park appeared here only at the beginning of the 19th century.

Arnold Arboretum

The arboretum is located in the suburbs of Boston. It was created by the architect and landscape designer F.L. Olmsted. The place was named after the merchant and whaler James Arnold, who donated a considerable part of his fortune and lands for its creation. Today, the arboretum is not only a picturesque park, but also a research site at Harvard University.

New England Holocaust Memorial

A composition of six glass towers was erected in 1995 to honor the memory of the Jews who died during the Second World War. Each tower symbolizes the death camp: Auschwitz, Belzec, Treblinka, Chelmno, Majdanek and Sobibor. Inside the towers, the walls are engraved with the words of the people who survived the imprisonment in these terrible places.

Old North Church

The temple was founded in 1772. It is one of the oldest in Boston. The building was built in the Gregorian style, which was very popular in the British Empire in the 18th century. Architect W. Price worked on the project. Until 1810, the North Church was the tallest building in the city. The church spire was installed on the roof three times. The first two designs did not withstand the hurricanes of 1804 and 1954.

Trinity Church

The building was erected in 1877 on Kopli Square. Previously, there were swamps here, but gradually they were covered with gravel and the construction of a residential area began. The Church of the Trinity was built in the neo-Romanesque style by G. Richardson. The architect focused on local materials - sandstone and granite from the Massachusetts quarries. The temple entered the US National Register of Historic Places in 1907.

Museum of Fine Arts

Boston Gallery is considered one of the largest art museums in the United States. Her collection is second only to the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. The exposition is located in a picturesque neoclassical building designed by H. Lowell. Due to the huge number of exhibits, in the 2000s, it was decided to build a separate wing, which was completely devoted to American art.

Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum

Private gallery founded by I.S.Gardner at the beginning of the 20th century. This woman was a great art connoisseur and philanthropist. Isabella wished that after her death an outstanding collection of more than 2,500 exhibits would become public. Among the works that are exhibited in the gallery are paintings by Titian, Raphael and other European masters, as well as paintings by D. Sargent and D. Whistler.

Science Museum

The Science Museum is a complex that includes not only exhibition halls, but also a planetarium and one of the largest cinema in the United States, IMAX. It opened in 1830. Initially, its exposition consisted of trophies of travelers who visited Africa and Asia. In the 1950s, the museum became a full-fledged science park. At the same time, a large complex was built for him on the banks of the Charles River.

Harvard University

One of the most famous and prestigious educational institutions in the world. The university building is located in Cambridge, which in turn is part of the Boston metropolitan area. Harvard was founded in 1636. Today, its structure includes 7 faculties, 12 schools and one institute. Many famous people graduated from the university. Among them are eight US presidents, as well as Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Another famous educational institution in Cambridge, which is included in the lists of the best universities in the world. The institute specializes in training specialists in the technical field (which is obvious from the name). He also conducts training in the areas of management, linguistics, economics, philosophy and political science. MIT has a powerful research base, which allows it to train competent and in-demand specialists.

Boston public library

The book collection is housed in a magnificent neo-Renaissance building. The library is known for being one of the first to start lending books and materials to the home. She also owns the third largest book fund in the United States. Several million copies of valuable books and manuscripts are kept here, among which there are early editions of the writers of the 16th-18th centuries, as well as medieval maps and engravings.

John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum

Most of the museum's exposition is devoted to the life and work of the 35th American President JF Kennedy. The building for the collection was built in the 1960s with charitable contributions.It should be mentioned that more than 36 million people donated money for the museum, so Kennedy's personality was so popular among the American people. The opening ceremony was held in the presence of President D. Carter.

Massachusetts State Capitol

The building that houses the state legislature and also houses the governor's working office. The structure was erected on the Beacon Hill according to the project of Charles Balfinch. The building is built of red bricks. The main facade is decorated with a portico and Corinthian columns, which is typical for the classical style. At the beginning of the 20th century, the eastern and western wings were added to the structure.

Old Capitol

The Old Capitol Building is located in central Boston. It was erected in 1713 on the site of the old town hall. Before the construction of the New Capitol on Beacon Hill, the state government sat here. The architecture of the building is an example of the Gregorian style. Sometimes the Old Capitol is called “the most historic building in the city”, since in 2013 it turned 300 years old.

Fanel Hall

Fanel Hall shopping center graced the streets of Boston in 1722 thanks to the efforts of the French merchant P. Feynuil. The first floor of the building is occupied by shops, the second is a hall where public debates on various issues take place. In the 19th century, S. Adams, one of the leaders of the American Revolution, spoke at Fanel Hall. Other famous political figures have also been noted here.

New England Aquarium

The aquarium is located on Boston Waterfront. It is home to several hundred species of marine inhabitants (more than 20 thousand individuals). Visitors will see the fauna of the Arctic zone and the Pacific basin: penguins, sea lions, turtles, sharks, exotic fish, jellyfish and many others. On a huge IMAX screen, guests are shown exciting films about the underwater depths. After the tour, you can have a bite to eat at the cafe located right there.

Quincy market

An indoor pavilion in the center of Boston, which was erected in 1826 and named after the mayor D. Quincy (he was the organizer of the construction). As a result, the Quincy Market has become a tourist destination where people strive for shopping, delicious food, socializing and atmosphere. The pavilion houses shops, market stalls, eateries and souvenir shops. Street performers and musicians can often be seen here.

Fenway Park

Baseball stadium built in 1912, home arena for the Boston Red Sox. It is the oldest playground for North American Major League Baseball. After reconstruction in 2008, Fenway Park began to accommodate up to 40 thousand spectators. Along with baseball games, it hosted competitions in classic and American football.


Sports complex in the city center, built in the 1990s. The stadium is home to several teams in various sports: the Boston Bruins (ice hockey), the Boston Celtics (basketball) and the Boston Blazers (lacrosse). TD Garden is a multifunctional arena that allows various types of competitions to be held. In 2008, the final games of the NBA were held on its territory.

Granary cemetery

The old city cemetery, which was founded in 1660. Here are the burial places of famous figures of the American Revolution, including the graves of S. Adams, J. Hancock, RT Payne. The necropolis is included in the attractions of the Freedom Trail tourist route. The gravestones on Granary are distinguished by their modesty and simplicity. Here you will not find lush crypts and bizarre figures that are typical for European cemeteries.

Boston light

A 1783 lighthouse on Little Brewster Island. The height of the building is 28 meters. Since its inception, it did not work only during the Second World War, the rest of the time it regularly illuminated the way to Boston Bay. Boston Light is the oldest lighthouse in the United States. Since 1964, it has become a US National Historic Landmark.


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